LET'S EXPLORE SharePoint/Teams
This overview will walk you through the functionality found within the SharePoint/Teams Tab of Cloud Access Monitor.
The Sites Summary tab is where you will find information on all sites found within your cloud environment. You will find this tab at the top of the "SharePoint/Teams" main tab.
At the top of the page is the search bar, here you are able to search for specific sites by various parameters. Click the down arrow the change the parameters of the search.
Name: The name of the site.
Site Collection: Group of websites that have the same owner and share administrative settings.
Parent Site: Site hierarchy.
Site Group: Group access to content.
Site Type: SharePoint site vs. Team site.
The results box will show all sites that meet your search criteria. Across the top of the box you will find six columns.
The Name column will display the name of the site.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the sites by name. (alphabetically)
The WebURL column will display the URL to the site. At the top of the column you will see the total size of all files.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the sites by WebURL. (alphabetically)
Site Groups:
The Site Groups column will display the total number of groups with access to the site.
Selecting The Number: Select the site groups to bring up the Site Groups Details Window.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the sites by total Site Groups. (sum)
The Files column will display the total number of files contained in the site.
Selecting The Number: Select the files to navigate to the proper Files Summary Section.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the sites by total Files. (sum)
The actions column will allow you to take action against the sites found within your environment.
Share Via Email: This will send basic information about the site to the user of your choice via email.
The Files tab is where you will find information on all site files found within your cloud environment. You will find this tab at the top of the "SharePoint/Teams" main tab.
At the top of the page is the search bar, here you are able to search for specific sites by various parameters. Click the down arrow the change the parameters of the search.
File Name: The name of the file.
Site Name: The name of the site.
Created By: The account that created the file.
Access By User: All files that have been shared to a specific account.
Access By User Group: All files that have been shared to a specific user group containing accounts.
Access By Site Group: All files that have been shared to a specific site group containing accounts.
File Type: All files that are of a certain type, .zip, .txt etc
The results box will show all site files that meet your search criteria. Across the top of the box you will find eight columns.
The Name column will display the name of the file.
Selecting The File: Select the file name to bring up the File Details Window.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by name. (alphabetically)
Site Name:
The Site Name column will display the site name of the file.
Selecting The File: Select the file name to bring up the File Details Window.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by name. (alphabetically)
File Size:
The file size column will display the size of the file when available. At the top of the column you will see the total size of all files.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by size.
Accessed By:
The Accessed By column will display the users, user groups and site groups that have access to the file.
Selecting The File: Select the file name to bring up the File Details Window.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by total of access. (sum)
Created By:
The created by column will display the name of the account that originally created the file.
Selecting The File: Select the values to bring up the Accessed By Summary Window.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by created account. (alphabetically)
Created On:
The created on column will display the date and time that the file was created. The timezone is set to that of your instance.
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by time and date.
The last modified on column will show the last time that a change was made to the file.
What Counts as Modifying? Editing, sharing, renaming, or ownership change will a file will cause it to become "modified".
Sorting: Selecting the Up-down arrows will sort the files by time and date modified.
The actions column will allow you to take action against the site files found within your environment.
Share Via Email: This will send basic information about the file to the user of your choice via email.
Download: Download the file to examine it further.
Delete: Delete the file permanently.
To apply a filter to your search simply click the filter button on the right side of the screen.
Creation Date: The date range the file or folder was created.
Modification Date: the date range a file was last modified.
Risky Files: If the files contain any risk.
Files With Malware: If the files contain malware.
Files Shared: The direction the files are being shared, from an outside domain, to an outside domain, or internally.
Shared Via Link: If the file is set to be shared via link, and the permissions / share type of the file. Internal / External, Edit / View permissions.
File Size: A limiter for minimum or maximum file size.
To report on filtered summary data you can use the "Download CSV Report" option. This can be found in the top right of the screen.
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